Tuesday, February 26, 2013

GT Experience

GT had passed a couple of weeks ago and my group presented on GT1.

Preparing for the presentation was rather enjoyable, even though my other teammates were chauvinistic guys whom I had never worked with before. Nonetheless we cooperated well, and had a very open atmosphere to voice out any areas that can be improved on. We managed to agree on the style and the way points would flow, and there was a lot of synergy amongst ourselves.

On the day of our GT, I was pretty nervous. To be honest, when the presentation started, I was a ball of nerves. It was a little bit too late for power poses then so I had a little 'power conversation' to myself instead.

'The 'purpose' of the PPQ is important. The 'purpose' is interesting. Everyone wants to know about the 'purpose'...'

Talk about faking it till you become it.

Recording our presentation had really helped as this would be the first time that I've seen myself present. Looking back, I could really see the weaknesses that my classmates had constructively pointed out; namely my fringe and focusing too much on one half of the room. I had also found a few other weaknesses, such as using the laser pointer that I had instead of using hand gestures.

(Whoa! Half the semester has gone past and FOP's up next. Eeks!)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Main question, thesis and outline

Question B: Implementing Facebook in modules

Should NUS include Facebook in the courses and modules?

To convince nus lecturers and professors to include or not include Facebook/curriculum change

Why do people use or not use Facebook?
What is the perspective of Facebook from lecturers and students?
How would the use of Facebook benefit the learning outcome? Which courses are more likely to benefit and why?
Would it necessarily be more convenient than IVLE or nus email?

Outline of the report

Background on the nature of Facebook, and how it is currently being used
Statistics of students using Facebook 
Briefly touch on the benefits of using Facebook for educational purposes

Data given and inferences and interpretations from the data
May need additional external sources to ensure that opinions are objective

Consolidation of opinions and interpretations on the subject, with proper substantiation

My stand on whether or not Facebook should be implemented in NUS courses
To review my recommendation with the identified PPQ

Overall conclusion
To wrap up my recommendation, in light of the context in NUS & the PPQ